Current Exhibition - 'New Forms, Creative Horizons'

Mae’n bleser gan Cardiff MADE i gyflwyno ‘New Voices’: dwy arddangosfa sydd yn cyflwyno gweithiau cyfoes a chyffrous gan artistiaid sy’n gweithio drwy gyfrwng paentio a dulliau yn seiliedig ar lens. Datblygwyd y gwaith â chymorth gan raglen mentora ‘Creative Steps’ a The Higgins Initiative gyda chefnogaeth gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, mewn partneriaeth ag Oriel Elysium, Abertawe.  


Cardiff MADE is pleased to present ‘New Voices’ : two exhibitions highlighting new and exciting work produced by artists working in painting and lens based practices, with work developed via mentored programmes ‘Creative Steps’ and The Higgins Initiative supported by the Arts Council of Wales and in partnership with Elysium Gallery, Swansea.

08.02.25 - 09.03.25

Yn Cynnwys Gwaith O // Featuring Work From

Tom Evans, Tracey McMaster & Mylo Elliot

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